Youth Education
Meaningful Watershed Education Experience (MWEE)
What is a MWEE?
MWEEs are made up of multiple components that include learning both outdoors and in the classroom and are designed to increase environmental literacy by actively engaging students in building knowledge and meaning through hands-on experiences about their watershed.
A MWEE has four main components:
Issue Definition
Outdoor Field Experiences
Synthesis and Conclusion
Environmental Action Project
Why do schools conduct MWEEs?
The 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement, signed by all governors of states in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed requires that students participate in Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) at least once during each level of instruction (elementary, middle, and high school).
How do schools participate in a MWEE?
Participate in a teacher training hosted by Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District (PWSWCD). Often held in the spring.
Host an outdoor field experience on your school grounds with which PWSWCD assists along with trained volunteers recruited by PWSWCD.
Invite PWSWCD to help with any of the four components in the classroom or on school grounds.

Contact Kim Lowther at for more information.