Traditional Agriculture
The Prince William Soil and Water Conservation District offers numerous services to agricultural operations, both large and small. We offer conservation and nutrient management planning, financial assistance (Cost Share and Tax Credit) for conservation practices, seminars on natural resource and agricultural topics.

Conservation Plans

A conservation plan can help direct landowners in making good management decisions that can increase animal health, profitability, and the aesthetics of their property, while protecting natural resources. The Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act and Prince William County Code requires that all agricultural lands in Prince William County have a conservation plan. The Conservation District is tasked to write these plans, free of charge. Our Conservation Specialists will be actively engaging farmers and landowners who do not have conservation plans to offer our plan writing services. For farms that already have a conservation plan we will revise/update your plan if it is over three years old, or if you have significantly changed your operation. We would be happy to schedule a visit with you at your convenience and we look forward to working with you in the coming months. Conservation plans are free, voluntary, and we are non-regulatory; they are meant to help you with your farm. Call today (571) 379-7514.
What is included in your conservation plan:
Maps - includes Aerial, Fields, Topography, Soils, Hydrology, Best Management Practices, etc.
Nutrient Management Plan - we'll even take soil samples for you!
R.U.S.L.E 2 report - learn how to reduce erosion on your farm
Erosion Control Plan - includes best management practices (BMPs) recommendations
Grazing Plan Narrative - step by step guide with better managing your pastures
Yields Data - learn how many animals your pasture land can support, or average yields for your crops
Pest Management Plan - identify common weeds and other pests and use integrated pest management to control them.
Financial Assistance

Cost-Share Programs are administered by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) through local Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD). The goal of these cost-share programs is to improve water quality in our streams, rivers, and the nearby Chesapeake Bay. As an incentive, cost-share assistance is offered to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs). Some of the more common BMPs in prince William County are listed below. Participation in these programs is voluntary, and we offer our expertise at no cost. Funding is based on what our District has available and how your practice ranks compared to other applications we receive; though funding is not guaranteed, it never hurts to ask! We hope that if you have agricultural land you will consider our services as you implement environmentally sound practices.
For more information on the cost-share program, click here.